Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recap of the past few days . . .

Wednesday, 2/10/2010

A very long day . . . after some early morning complications related to a condition called "eclampsia", doctors at Unity Hospital in Fridley decided that performing an immediate c-section would be best for the health of both Megan and baby. Without even giving Joe enough time to get into the delivery room, baby made his official first appearance at 7:20am!

Baby Olson weighed in at 3lbs 4oz and a length of 17.3 inches. Because he was born at 31 weeks (approx. 9 weeks early) and Unity Hospital is not equipped to take care of preemie babies that are younger than 33 weeks, a team from Children's Hospital in Minneapolis was sent to transport the baby down to their very specialized facitilty. The baby was doing really good for how early he is, only needing a little help from a c-pap machine to make breathing a bit easier.

Thursday and Friday

Grandma and Grandpa Olson, as well as Grandma and Grandpa Ruf, along with Uncle Jon and Aunt Trisha all had a chance to visit baby down at Children's Hospital . . . and all obviously agreed that he is the best-looking baby boy we've ever seen!

Unfortunately, Megan still had not has a chance to see the baby. While she was recovering well from the actual c-section, her blood pressure had not yet started to come down and doctors did not want to release her for even a little bit of time. Megan's amazing friend, Kristi, came up with the idea to take a webcam down to Children's Hospital, so that Megan could see the baby live. And here are a few pictures of that actually happening!!!

Saturday, 2/13/2010

Finally, somewhat of a breakthrough on the "what is wrong with Megan?" front. After getting shockingly high readings for her blood pressure, doctors are now thinking that Megan had 2 issues happening. Number 1 - the eclampsia related directly to the pregnancy, and Number 2 - some kind of an undiagnosed heart/blood pressure issue that she's most likely had for some time now. With more of an understanding that the doctors need to treat the blood pressure issue seperate from her pregnancy situation, I believe they are much closer to figuring out what is going on.

Megan was moved today from the maternity ward, to the cardiac ward - where they are better equipped to monitor her heart and blood pressure.

Sunday, 2/14/2010

Megan's blood pressure is slowly coming down. While they can't tell us exactly when she will be able to leave the hospital, everyone (all the medical personnel) seem much happier with her progress! And she got to get her staples (from the c-section incision) out today! What a trooper!

Baby is still doing amazing! They actually took him off of the c-pap machine, and he is breathing completely on his own!!! The nurses told Joe that even between yesterday and today, there is 100% improvement on his part! He's totally a fighter, and he's going to be quite a handful for Megan and Joe!

1 comment:

  1. WOW how quickly life changes HUH??

    I am glad to knwo all are well, or at least on the getting well track.

    If there is anything we can do-put family up closer to MPLS or what ever PLEASE call on us.

    Karyn& Jane
