Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here are a few more pictures from our day at the zoo for Halloween!

Mary, Dan, and Finn in his Superman costume! Who knows what Dan is celebrating?!

Dan and Anya checking out the bears.

Anya keeping the duck boy in line!

Ducky and Aunt Trisha...also known as Shasha or Tatas to Nate. (Trisha is a very difficult name to pronounce!)

Ryan and his daugther Claire in her cute costume!

Don't ask...Nate was over the duck head and I got to wear it instead.

Nate and Claire checking each other out.

Nate oftentimes prefers to wear my sunglasses!

Daddy Joe and Nate taking a ride on the slide

Just Superman and half a duck chilling at the park :)

Nate finds the prairie dogs pretty entertaining.  Joe prefers to tell him stories about how to shoot them someday

My parents were up this past weekend and we took a trip to the Children's Museum.  Here we are building some fun wooden block stacks.

Doctor area at the museum...I'm reminiscing the old days where I was on crutches every other minute!  They have mini crutches too which Nate was not too fond of.

Nate was very in to the x-ray area though and enjoyed looking at the bones.

A heater that Nate was very proud to tell us and sign to us that it was hot.  He still chose to continue sitting on it however!

Stone face at the supermarket area.

This is the fun water area that we had to leave a little early as Nate attempted to choke hold another child who was also trying to play with the water experiment!  Sharing is always a work in progress!

Nate being unusually cautious in the play area.  It took him 5 minutes to walk down that little ramp as other kids were flying by him.

All is going well here!  Nate's continuing to grow like a weed and have a great time at his daycare.  I get to hear fun stories everyday of how Nate interacts with all of the other kids.  Our daycare provider Kelly was goofing around with her daugther the other day and Nate thought at one point they were arguing.  Apparently he got on top of the little table in the kitchen, started yell/crying, and shouted " I crying, I crying" as loud as could be.  That flare for the dramatics is going to be attributed to Auntie Trisha/Grandpa Jimbo qualities :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nate the duck!

Halloween at the zoo! Cute duck alert!
Nate was not too excited at first to don the suit but eventually he warmed to the idea!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer fun

 I know I know.......sorry about the lack of's summer :)

Nate and I spent the whole week in Monroe a few weeks ago when we had back to back weddings.
Here's some shots in the car on the way down.  Nate ate an entire 6 inch sub.

 Boys were wiped after the food.
At least the babies had pillows :)   Nate's new favorite show to watch in the car on long trips is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I swear this intense look was on his face for like 20 minutes!  There was no tearing him away from the show!
The balloon rally was in town and Grandpa Jimbo took Nate out to see some of the balloons go past the house.

Nate's new favorite spot is in the bay window at the house.

I told him multiple times 'No' to taking the candles from the holder and this is what the slick guy tried to do.
The tv was on, so he kept thinking if he kept his head towards the tv and just stuck his arm over without moving his head I wouldn't notice...I don't think so sir!
We brought Nate's tent home which folds down quite easily and Cooper the cat was not excited when we took it down because it's where he spent most of the week!
We went to the zoo in Madison too and here are some shots from there.  We picked a rainy day so we weren't lucky that way but still had a lot of fun.

These next photos are a very big accomplishment for Nate.  He's a huge fan of the swings at the park but will not go on slides.  We went to the play area at the zoo and Nate worked up the courage to go through this tube thingy on his own.  It was life changing for him!  Here he is very unsure of it...
 Grandma trying to coax him (she'll be super happy I posted this shot!)
Getting brave..

 Apparently this was no big deal
Then we went to the merry-go-round or kaleidoscope as my mother called it...don't ask

It was as if it drugged him.  He just kept going ooooohhhhhhhh and falling backwards but he seemed to enjoy it!
Goats, goats, goats!

Random head shots...

 Turtle on the side of the road!  Nate kept screeching ah ah ah!
Shots from the drive home....passed out, and a prize coozie from Stacy and Curt's wedding to keep his drink cold :)

When we got back home, Nate started his first day's at daycare.  My friend Mary's sister-in-law has been doing daycare for 20 years and has a lot of space and fun kids for Nate to get knocked around a little bit by.  He's ready for some serious socialization.  Trisha wanted me to take a picture of Nate on his first day of daycare with a sign so here was my attempt with a VERY unhelpful 1 year old!  He's smirking here, knowing I want him to cooperate.
Stop making fun of my handing writing and sad piece of paper!
Here goes the great chase...

Completely uncooperative

He literally sat in the corner at that point just laughing and not cooperating!  I tried, that's all I can say!

New stuff.....Nate's biting, has his 2 year molars and many many other teeth, recently gave me a summer cold, colored his first picture with crayons the other day, usually eats chalk at any point he's left alone with it, hugs often, is obsessed with fans, gives high fives, knows where his nose is, and how to sign eat, more, drink, shoes, thank you, and done, still says mama and dada, plus up, ball, lamp, done, pup, and sock.  
Oh and this one is totally my fault...I may have said the s word a few weeks ago in anger at myself and wouldn't you know the little bugger picked that word up as clear as could be.  We've turned it in to sit or sit down but when he says definitely comes out as s%#t.  Whoops!  
He's also still head over heels for these twin 2 year old cuties at daycare and follows them like a puppy, loves swimming and anything water related.  He has no problem heading in to the lakes!  At daycare he spends a lot of time outside playing in the sandbox, with all the toys, and in the pool.  The family has 2 huskies that he is also obsessed with.  That's it for now and I promise to try and blog more!