Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Here's Nate being cute and giving us proof as to why we should keep him :)

Good news is that the medicine seems to be helping out somewhat. Since Monday, Nate has been eating much better. He's eating at least! He's still fussy and cranky at times but not as much as he was this past weekend so that is great.
Our friends Kristi and Matt play kickball on Tuesdays so Nate made his first venture out to the field. Here's he and I...he's not so happy about me putting the hat on but it was pretty windy.

Lounging on the grass...

Joe bought Nate some new glasses since we've been outside a lot more lately. He likes to be out there and loves a good walk but is pretty squinty the whole time so hopefully these cool shades will help out.

As for these next photos, how could you not love the cute little bugger? Joe also bought him a baseball hat for when we head outside, I think he likes it!

Thanks for all the support this week and after my last blog. I'm fine, really! Just needed to vent for a minute after a very stressful 4 days. We're hoping things are looking up here with his seeming to be eating better. Oh, and he also weighs 11 pounds 11 ounces so our shoving the food in him is still working!


  1. Nate + baseball hat = adorable! oh my gosh he is just so handsome! I showed my mom your blog and the first thing she said was that Nate looks like Jim Ruf! Too funny. I'm thinking about you guys and praying that his tummy issues resolve and that he keeps growing healthy and strong! I want to come see him again!
