Monday, May 24, 2010

Double digits folks!

So Nate is at 10 pounds 1 ounce!!  We went to the doc this morning to check out his tush and he got weighed in.  This doctor met him a few months ago and was shocked at how much he's grown.  His butt is doing great.  Even though it's still a bit red it's doing great and we just need to keep it aired out as much as possible and then putting on the butt cream as often as possible.  The doctor said it's hard with Nate since he poops so often and with every little toot he has but we'll have to keep cleaning often.
  Our wonderful friends Cassie and Tom offered up their Bumbo chair so here's a few more shots of Nate in it.

Not always attractive faces in the Bumbo, but he's working on gaining that strength and muscles in his back and neck!
Katie and Kelly came all the way up from Madison to spend some time with Nate.  Nate was getting his hand modeling poses down so we put Katie's ring on him for a "senior" picture.

Nate very much so enjoyed hanging out with the ladies.  We later got to go to the Twins game....sorry, Brewers game for them :)  It was awesome to see the new stadium and needless to say we had a good time...maybe too good a time :)
The girls were shocked to see a comparison of one of Joe's early outfits and one of Nates....see if you can guess who's is who's?!
I had my doctors appointment as well and get to get off of one of the blood pressure meds.  I have to do another 24 hour urine test...basically collect my urine for 24 hours and keep it in the really makes Joe happy...and then they test it for protein in there.  Hopefully it's continuing to go down so we shall see.  I don't think I ever updated about my MRI results for my knee but I have torn my ACL in my knee completely through again so woo hoo!!  The doctor told me I can try to strengthen muscles around it like my hamstrings or have reconstructive surgery again.  Having had the surgery 10 years ago and knowing all of the rehab that goes in to it is making me a bit hesitant.  Haven't really made up my mind yet as to my plan so we'll see.
This picture was Nate at the doctor's this morning.  You can kind of see his hernia sticking out down at the bottom where his belly button is...don't tell Joe that you can see it!  The secretaries at the office stopped to grab Nate when we were at the doctor's.  They know him by name and get excited to see how much he's grown so it's pretty cute.  We're heading to Monroe this weekend for Memorial Day so hopefully we run in to some of you loyal blog readers!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you put a picture of Joe's going home outfit next to Nate's....HILARIOUS!
