Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh hiney...

Well tushy-gate continues.  The doctor called after taking a swab of Nate's booty and turns out it's a bacterial infection.  We picked up an antibiotic prescription and are continuing with the cream.  In the first 3-4 days it cleared up really great, but it has reared it's ugly head again!  It was wonderful being able to change a diaper for a while without blood curdling screams but we're back at it again.  I'm planning on calling the doctor next week once we're done with the full antibiotic treatment.
 Here's Nate doing some tummy time.  It turned in to a nap :)

 If his tush issue heals up soon we don't have to go back to the doc until his 4 month check up.  Not banking on that though because of the reoccurence but we'll see.  Joe's birthday was on the 12th and I got him what he loves most...a Dairy Queen cake/log!  He's actually 27 and not 5 but I had limited candles!

Later, Joe and I felt like taking pictures of Nate around the house on different things to see how he grows over time.....needless to say we were bored.  My how our lives have changed!
  Here's Nate in his crib, he loves watching his mobile go.  Nate does a much better job of laying down in his crib.  We can put him in there while still awake and he falls asleep on his own without crying!  However, he still only sleeps about 2/3 hours at a pop so there's still that fun issue.
 Nate can still get pretty fussy as well.  We're starting to feed him less amounts more often throughout the day.  Hopefully it will help his digestive system a little bit better and he won't be so fussy.
Here's Nate in his rocking chair...normally we sit there, but here's his chance.        

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