Monday, May 3, 2010

Wild Weekend!

Joe, Nate and I had a weekend full of fun and it flew past! Friday night we headed down to our friend's Molly and Ryan's so Nate could see his girlfriend Claire. It was theme dinner and this week's was the Caribbean. Lot's of good food and Joe enjoyed his first Pina Colada. Below is Aunt Trisha with Nate and Uncle Andrew with Claire. She's the cute little girl who is 2 days younger than Nate...he's still working on catching up to her but at the latest doctors appointment he was almost the big 8 pounds!

Now Joe with his drink...

The next morning we took a few shots of Nate airing out his tush so his diaper rash/infection thingy can heal. It's looking better but is still a bit painful for him.

Later we dressed him up and put on those little shoes that didn't fit a while back. They are perfect for holding his socks on! They still are a bit big but they are pretty cute.

Saturday afternoon Nate and I headed to our friend Jamie's baby shower. He was the only testosterone in the room and he was loving it. He was passed from family member to family member of hers so he had a wonderful time!
Saturday night our friend Maria and her mom Jane watched Nate for the evening so we could go out for our friend Mary's 30th birthday. Thanks ladies! We went mini-golfing at quite an interesting course. The owner is an artist so the different holes have crazy pieces of art as the obstacles. Here is a fun picture where everyone looks adorable except for me with my mouth open because I was mid-talking....shocking I know.

Joe's the goofball in the back who apparently thinks he's number 1 :)
After golfing we had dinner at an Irish Pub and it was delicious!
Sunday we headed down to our friend Kiley and Juniors for burgers on the grill.

Needless to say, we were busy and we ate well the entire weekend! Sunday night was pizza at Kristi and Matt's after we picked them up from the airport from their vacation. Monday is a bit of a shocker after the fun weekend.
The last 3 shots are my attempts at getting Nate to smile at me. He's getting closer and closer...and I'm convinced they are no longer gas bubbles. I know this because I am making the most crazy baby cooing noises to get him to laugh at me!

That one above is probably him being a little stunned and embarrassed that his mother is so nuts and that she makes some odd noises :)

I haven't figured out how to rotate photos on here so here is a cute sideways one.
Ok, now below is my attempt at uploading a video. You should be able to click on it and it should play. It is proof that Nate is learning to eat well. It goes from fussy-Nate, to about-to-eat-the-bib Nate, to bottle-fed Nate!

The last one is the burping process....sure his eyes go a little cross eyed, but a good burp will do that to ya! It was too funny not to put up.

Have a wonderful week everyone. We have our doctor appointment on Friday for Nate. It's his 3 month check up. I also have another appointment with the heart/blood pressure doctor this week as well as a knee appointment. My bad knee has been feeling bad for some time now...possibly 2 years or so :) So since we hit our deductible this year I decided to get it checked out. I had an MRI a few weeks back and get the full results on Tuesday- woo hoo. We'll let ya know how it all goes!

1 comment:

  1. I'm crying from laughing so hard at the burping video! That was awesome! good to see you guys this weekend!
