Friday, May 21, 2010

How far we've come...

Comparison shots, about 3 months ago in the hospital...

Current day!  I wanted to get a shot in his red and white hat before his head was too big...we are almost at that point.  I can't blame him for not giving me a happy was about 80 degrees that day and he was quite confused why I was putting a knit hat on his head! I remember folding that seemingly giant hat a couple of times to make it stay on his tiny head and now his brains are just filling that cap up!
Smiles are coming more and more often with the little guy.  He loves his bouncy seat and especially this monkey toy that can be attached to it.  He's also starting to squack a bit more than usual.  They are happy noises kind of like he's trying to laugh.
His behind is looking much better.  He doesn't seem to be in as much pain but there is a bit of the infection still there.  We are seeing another doctor on Monday morning to check it out and get a second opinion so hopefully it will be totally gone here pretty soon.
Sleeping at night is improving a tiny bit.  Last night he slept for about 4 hours straight which is unheard of!  He's taking in his food much better and being less fussy/gassy so that has been nice.  This last one is Joe being a little overzealous to let Nate ride on his shoulders.  Maybe we'll wait a little bit longer!

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see those chubby cheeks! He is super adorable and handsome! I can't wait to see him again!
